Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You know what sucks all manner of ass? Having a girl who you have for some reason decided to devote your life to, depend upon, and even though she lives across the other side of the planet, you still, for some reason, can't imagine life without her. Isn't love just a barrel of retardency?
The pathetic nature of my long-distance infatuation is the least of my worries, however. She's really sick... like... REALLY sick. Has been for ages. God knows how much sleep I lost when she came in one day after a particularly bad turn of events and said, "The docs don't know if I'll make it past 24 hours...". That had me stressing the hell out for a week... She had surgery. Was starting to get better... and now she's suddenly ran into complications with her bloodflow, resulting in a mini-stroke, which has paralyzed her legs. Which she's depressed about. Which I'm depressed about, because I can't be over there with her, cuddling her and telling her its okay.

I'm going to start saving money, I think. Work up the coin to go see her. Give her a proper hug. My hugs are, after all, godlike.

In other news, considering that I feel I need to empower my neckbeard, I need to find new anime to watch. Though I swear to all that is holy, I will go columbine if I end up being forced to watch another season of moe "BLABLA-KUN, AM I KAWAII? UGUU~". No. Not happening. My masculinity has suffered enough. My cock has actually left me notes saying "Dude. You do this to us again, I'm out. Leaving. Gone. Fuck you and your lack of testosterone, bitch."

You know what the world needs? Another season of Gurren Lagann. Hellz yeah.


  1. Don't worry bro. Long-distance was as close as I ever got to love myself.

    Also, there will never be another season of Gurren Lagann.


  2. I had love before, actually.
    She kinda died.

    Yeaaaah. I drew shit cards for this life of mine.


  3. That really sucks man.

    I like your blog, I'll be following you.


  4. link related brother

    stay strong

  5. Stay strong, you can do amazing things if your heart is in it.

  6. remember one somebody xD
    Im followinf u :D
